Thursday, March 11, 2010

A "Wait Did You Get That?" Post

"Do you understand?"

It's a simple question. Well do you? No? Well then let me explain.

Has there ever been a time when you are trying to explain something and the person you explain to doesn't understand? Maybe you were trying to explain how math is a big part in music or just trying to tell your younger sibling why one plus one equals two. No matter the case we have always had that kind of communication problem.

Now let me explain my communication problem. I WANT you to understand. I WANT you to know why I'm feeling what I'm feeling or to know why I'm doing what I do. Yet I can make anybody understand that. So it makes it even harder to explain why. If I can't explain why I'm explaing it gets me in trouble. Lots of trouble. Like losing your boyfriend trouble. Then losing your friends trouble. Then seeing your best friend slipping away too. Part of that is my fault fo not explaing it well enough, the other part was their's because they were tired of listening.





I'm slipping away too. Falling just as fast, just because I have them doesn't mean they matter to anyone else but myself.

There are questions too. I don't understand everything either but it seems that no one else seems to care explaing either.